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9 Aug

Hot Temperatures: How can businesses support its workers?

There is currently no legal maximum temperature for workplaces, but the Health and Safety Executive has said that companies should ensure staff are working in ‘reasonable’ temperatures.

Under the Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999, employers are required to undertake suitable risk assessments, and HSE Executive suggests that “the temperature of the workplace is one of the potential hazards that employers should consider when doing risk assessments”.

The HSE Executive advises employers to take measures such as relaxing dress codes in the heat, allowing staggered start and finish times for commuters, and providing fans or air conditioning.

Meanwhile, the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health has issued guidance for employers whose staff work outside, advising that staff wear sunscreen, hats and sunglasses, and swap job tasks so that all workers can spend time in the shade.

Contact Crownford on 0871 22 616 22 or email geraintgriffths to see how we can help your business with risk assessments.