Shared Parental Leave
A Decrease in Shared Parental Leave during COVID -19
A recent study has shown that there has been a decrease in employee’s using Shared Parental Leave (SPL) during COVID. This is the first decline that the scheme has seen since it commenced back in 2016.
Experts however have warned that as parents return to the workplace, an increased rate of applications could be seen!
According to a study from EMW, it saw a rate of just 11,200 couples use the system between 2020 and 2021 down from 13,100 parents previously using the system, therefore a 17 per cent decrease.
The system which allows parents to share up to 50 weeks of leave, including up to 37 weeks of paid leave, between them in the first year after their child is born or placed with them.
Shared parental leave allows parents to take leave in blocks separated by periods of work for the employer, or all at once. The parents also can choose whether they wish to be off at the same time or stagger this between.
The rate currently stands at £151.20 per week and in order for parents to be eligible, they must share responsibility for the child at birth or when the child is placed with them, as well as meeting work and pay criteria which will differ in each occasion depending on how they wish to share the leave between them.
All employers are encouraged to have a Shared Parental Policy, if they haven’t already got one.
For more infomation please email or contact Crownford on 0871 22 616 22